What are the benefits of a Magnetic Chemical Flush or Powerflush?
- Boost heating efficiency and reduce energy bills
- Reduce risk of boiler breakdown & leaks
- Prevent blockages in pipes and radiators
- Eliminate radiator cold spots
- Can help with boiler noise
Sludge, scale and other debris impede the flow of water around your Central Heating System, and in some cases can even cause your pipes, radiators, pump and heat exchanger to become blocked.
They increase the risk of breakdown and make your boiler work harder, increasing your energy bills. They also increase the risk of boiler breakdown and leaks.
A Magnetic Chemical Flush or Powerflush can significantly increase the energy-efficiency of your Central Heating System helping you to save on your energy bills.
Magnetic Chemical Flushing or Powerflushing enhances your system’s performance by removing sludge, scale and other debris.
How do I know if my Central Heating System might benefit from a Magnetic Chemical Flush or Powerflush?
Radiator cold spots, excessive boiler noise and dirty water when you bleed a radiator could all be signs of your Central Heating System struggling with sludge, limescale and debris.
It is also possible to carry out a turbidity test that measures the amount of suspended material in your system’s water.

Magnetic Chemical Flushes
What does a typical magnetic chemical flush involve?
A magnetic chemical flush involves adding a chemical to your central heating system to break down impurities, which are picked up by magnetic filters during the process.
The chemical and loose debris are drained out with the water in the piping, which is then replaced with clean water and a chemical inhibitor. A Chemical Inhibitor is a product that is added to your Central Heating System to help prevent corrosion occurring.
Magnetic Chemical Flushes involve less disruption than Powerflushing, and are often a cheaper alternative.
How long does a Magnetic Chemical Flush take?
A Magnetic Chemical Flush usually takes from a couple of hours to half a day, depending on the size of your system. This will always be a quicker option than a full Powerflush (see below).
What does a typical Powerflush involve?
As the name suggests, Powerflushing involves comprehensively flushing your Central Heating System.
A Powerflush Unit or Pump is attached to the system – ideally to the pump head – and then used to systematically flush each system component clean.
Please note that a Powerflush is not suitable for all central heating systems, and in some systems a magnetic chemical flush (see above) might be the better choice.
How long does Powerflushing take?
Powerflushing usually takes up to a day, depending on your system. This is a longer process than Magnetic Chemical Flushing.
As part of our magnetic chemical flushing and powerflushing services, we would always recommend fitting a magnetic filter and a limescale filter, if they are not already fitted.
What is a Magnetic Filter?
The ferrous elements of sludge are magnetic. A magnetic filter strips out the ferrous elements of sludge and allows them to be disposed of.
The filter is attached to your Central Heating System and continually protects the system from sludge build-up.
Gregor – we know boilers and heating!
Interested in a Magnetic Chemical Flush or PowerFlush for your central heating system? Call Gregor today on 0117 935 2400 or 01225 738 397 and chat to one of the team. They’d be happy to offer advice on whether this service is right for your system and, if so, book in a suitable time for you.